“No vocation is born of itself or lives for itself. A vocation flows from the heart of God and blossoms in the good soil of faithful people. Did not Jesus say: 'By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another' (Jn 13:35)?"
-Pope Francis
The Sacrament of Holy Orders is the way Christ's mission is fulfilled here on Earth until His return. There are three levels of Holy Orders:
Religious Life is devoting yourself to God through a specific community of people who share similar gifts and talents. This might mean living a cloistered life (monks for men and nuns for women) in which you spend your days living and working within your religious community or living within your community while working in the world (brothers for men and sisters for women).
A man may be both part of a religious community and ordained to Holy Orders within his religious order.
Are you feeling called to the priesthood, diaconate, or religious life? One of our priests, deacons, or Sor. Rosa Maria would be happy to speak with you about their experiences and to help you discern if this is the right vocation for you. You may also click below to learn about your options from our Diocese vocations office.